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The Future Times - November.

Updated: Dec 9, 2021

The Future Times

The November Issue


SOF School News


Welcome to the school paper! Get updates about school news, check out the latest fashion trends in the building, and more.


The Interview Column: What's up with the student council?

By @HarperDavis

October was student government season, and we've all heard little bits and pieces about it. There's an election happening here, and some kind of poll happening there. But nobody has a good idea of what's going on. To help clear it all up, we interviewed the teacher working with the student government, Mr. Brostrom.


SOF Interviewer, Harper:
Hello, this is the SOF newspaper interview with Jacob Brostrom. Thank you so much for doing this interview with us. I really appreciate it. First, what exactly is the student council? And like, what exactly do they do?

Mr. Brostrom:
So our student council is a group of now twenty six students taken directly from our charter. Our purpose is to represent the student body, our school. And we do that by soliciting feedback from the student body in various ways so that every student feels their opportunity to contribute their insight. Also by facilitating communication between SOF staff and students, communicating regularly with the student body about student council initiatives, communicating regularly with staff about the needs and desires of the student body and by working towards objectives that are important to the school community. Um, we also work to create opportunities for our students in our community, leadership opportunities, fundraising opportunities, planning different events, like on Thursday planning spirit week for next week. And connecting with the larger community outside.

Amazing. And is it still possible for kids to join the student council? If so, how?

Mr. Brostrom:
Still possible? Well, our entry time window has closed. Currently we have no seats. However, if people are still interested, they can always reach out to me and I can put them on a waiting list in case we have a member either leave or get voted out of office.

Thank you. Next, what other big plans does student council currently have?
What plans are happening right now? What have they been thinking?

Mr. Brostrom:
I know we've only had one [as of now, more then one] meeting, so we're still young. One of the first things other than spirit week that has been brought up is possibly planning a dance at some point. So that's just an idea. Students have expressed interest in trips. Class trips would be based on classes. So it depends on what the classes want to do. So one of the things that we've talked about in the past is a comedy night. Talent shows and various things along those lines. And right now that's all I can remember off the top of my head, because again, we haven't really met too much.

Okay. How much influence do students have over the school overall?

Mr. Brostrom:
That's a hard question. We can influence a lot of social things within the school, and we're actually starting to work more with our restorative justice team. This team work around creating equity in the school. In terms of policy, I can't think of much. Because a lot of policies aren't just school-based, they're created by the DOE itself. But things about the social nature of our school and physical natures of our school, that's something [we can work on].

Okay. Thank you so much. And one last question. What is life? When will Student council end when will a new one begin? Like, what is the lifespan of this student council?

Mr. Brostrom:
We elect new members each year.

Okay. Thank you so much, and I hope you have a great day. This has been the SOF newspaper interview with Mr. Brostrom.


Well, now we're all looking forward to that comedy night. Thank you so much Harper and Mr. Brostrom for teaching us all about the elusive student government.

So yes, although it is true that students cannot sign up for student council anymore, it's good to know that the SOF community is in safe hands when it comes to their student council. They're already figuring out fun events and plans for all of the SOF community! If you still want to help with the SOF student council you can always donate money whenever there is a bake sale or charity event. I've heard rumors Mr. Brostrom might even shave his head for money. Anyway, look forward to some great SOF events, and have a great day.


The Covid Column

By @AaronMandelbaum

(added dramatics for impact)

School of the Future. The name of our school. With this name, we represent smartness and greatness. You know what screams smart? Getting vaccinated!

Listen, we all understand that things like this are scary. Getting shots can be very scary. But the virus is a much larger issue than your own fears. The COVID-19 virus has taken 731, 235 lives in the U.S alone. And may include family members or community members. By getting the vaccine, you can help keep everyone in our SOF community safe from your COVID cooties.

We have all heard conspiracies about the vaccine: it'll give you blood clots, it'll mess with your body, it'll mix your brain up like a washing machine. The truth is, so many doctors and qualified professionals have disproved conspiracies, you shouldn't believe them anymore. The vaccine is more than 96.78% effective against the virus, and that should be enough to convince you to get it. It's all explained on the official CDC website. If you really think there is a microchip in the vaccine, trust me, you're not rich enough.

No matter what, you have a community surrounding you to support you.

Now that that's cleared up, the next step is to figure out how you can get your vaccine. You can get it at most pharmacies and doctor’s offices. Always check in with the nearest Rite Aid or Walgreens. And if you're really lazy, just go to the second floor of our building by the auditorium, and ask around about making an appointment. Check in with the workers at the vaccine site, the nurses office or the main office for your next step towards vaccination!

Of course, be proud of being vaxxed! More than 80% of our student body is vaccinated. Let's get those numbers up!

*And if I'm being honest, teenagers put a lot of substances in their bodies. A vaccine is not too much to ask. Just do it. Be spontaneous. Tell yourself whatever you need to. Just. Get. Vaxxed. ▪ (Finished Article.)


The Advice Column

The Time-Traveler

Juicy gossip, deep dark secrets, or just problems in life? Don't worry, I'm here for you. Submit a question, a story, or some unnecessarily complicated issue, and I will give my non-professional, helpful advice on how to feel and what to do.

In these crazy times, we all need a little guidance, and we always need more laughs. Check in to the paper’s website to submit questions or your quarrels for us to give advice for.

To ask a fun question, give some advice, or submit a story (or to be honest, juicy gossip) check out the google form below, or the submissions page on the official TFT website! ▪


The Fashion Column: Halloween Horror Hour

By @SolanaDulin

SOF Halloween

Halloween has always been a time for creativity and fashion to flourish, and for children's teeth to develop a significant amount of cavities. But this year, COVID has seriously put a damper on everything, and the fashion community is no exception. It seems the future of fashion is dark. Halloween at SOF represents how strong and resilient the NYC fashion community can be, and the fashionistas at SOF did not disappoint. From pop culture icons to bottles of siracha, the hand-crafted and perfectly executed costumes showed the amazing personalities and creative minds at SOF. It truly was a special Halloween, and I’m so honored to be showcasing my friends’ amazing talents and minds. Happy Halloween SOF! ▪


The Tarotscope

By @AndraPopteanu

What is Tarotscope?

As you can probably tell from its name, Tarotscope is the SOF spin on the horoscope column. However, instead of the traditional horoscope, I took a personal approach and drew 3 tarot cards for each sign in order to explain how this season of your life will look.

Scorpio Season!

Happy birthday to all the Scorpios! Now that we entered Scorpio season, this time of year is all about focusing on being grounded and evolving in terms of relationships, which could mean both platonic and romantic, depending on your signs. Of course, all these start with taking care of yourself first, and within reasons, try to attempt to prioritize your needs.


Aries (March 21-April 19)

School: The card that I pulled, Four of Wands, symbolizes a sense of community, which could mean that in the month of November you feel a sense of acceptance that you’ve been searching for as well as feeling understood by your teachers and classmates.

Luck: King of Cups is portrayed as Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea. Flowing hair, laid back, not a care in the world, while also holding onto his power as the god of the sea. These characteristics represent balance and generosity, which shows that in this season you might notice how situations suddenly turn in your favor without you putting in too much effort.

Social life: The artist, the card that fell for your reading, is all about creating ideas, creating memories, creating new hobbies even. In terms of socializing, this tells me that you’ll find joy in working with others on different projects. This might tie in with the feelings of belonging you’re going to be experiencing.


Taurus (April 20-May 20)

School: Seven of Swords portrays an individual picking up their swords. This talks about a period of change where you switch your focus more intensely on your school work. It could be talking about the end of the marking period approaching, and you trying to collect yourself.

Luck: The Wheel of Fortune, the most fortunate card in the deck as it literally represents luck. It talks about unexpected improvement in certain areas of your life.

Social life: The Tower, one of the least wanted cards in a reading, symbolizes an awakening of some sort. You may realize that certain people you hang around might be toxic, or have a rude awakening of some other kind.



Gemini (May 21-June 20)

School: Six of Swords brings solution and change, in this case in academic performance. It’s about a transition that’s happening slowly but securely. It looks like you're pulling your grades up this month.

Luck: King of Swords is portrayed in a severe manner, eyes a little squinted, confident in his posture, looking down upon you. He is the one bringing fairness into your life, which means that as long as you do well and have good intentions, positive outcomes will present themselves to you.

Social life: The World represents complete satisfaction in terms of relationships. It also brings up travel, so if you happen to have any long distance relationships, they will probably grow stronger this season.


Cancer (June 21-July 22)

School: In the tarot deck, The Hermit is represented as an intellectual, wise, old man. It gives off the energy of a book worm and a hard worker, bringing new ideas and solutions in every situation. In terms of school, this means that you are taking your education seriously in this period of time.

Luck: While it’s not one of the most positive cards in the deck, Three of Swords illustrates feelings of pain and grief. This simply means that this season might not be your most fortunate one, and you should probably switch your focus to other areas in your life.

Social life: The Chariot brings fast changes in your social circle. That might mean meeting new people, or quickly deepening relationships you already have.


Leo (July 23-August 22)

School: The qualities brought up by The King of Cups reflect balance and generosity. I predict that during this season, you may observe how your grades improve without any effort on your part.

Luck: In terms of luck, Five of Pentacles is not the most optimistic card to receive in a reading. It talks about feelings of isolation from those around you which may bring up some insecurity. If this is the case, talk with people close to you about how you feel. Don’t feel obligated to carry burdens on your own.

Social life: Thankfully, The Star is here to lighten up your reading. It talks about renewal, so if you feel stuck in the past this is your time to break out of your old thinking patterns. This card also brings hope, serenity, and clarity. These mean that your close circle of friends is here to support you and help you out.


Virgo (August 23-September 22)

School: Knight of Cups is all about advancement. In case you’ve been struggling with motivation, this card is here to bring you inspiration in this area.

Luck: Eight of Cups talks about a feeling of abandonment. It’s about feeling a loss of interest in some areas in your life, whether it be hobbies or people. It’s also about taking a step back to clear your head and rethink your actions and decisions.

Social life: The Sun, Leo, the most optimistic and positive card in the deck, brings you confidence and positivity in social settings.


Libra: (September 23-October 22)

School: Seven of Swords might indicate a lack of ambition in your academic performances. You might be late on assignments or simply give up trying, which if this is the case ask your teachers or the people around you for help. Ease your stress a little.

Luck: Nine of Wands talks about you creating the right circumstances in order to bring action. If you keep being persistent and ask for what you want and deserve, the universe will throw rewards your way.

Social life: The Judgement card is all about rebirth and renewal. If you feel stuck with a group of people that you consider toxic for you, this is your moment to break away from them.


Scorpio: (October 23-November 21)

School: The Fool brings up new potential in people. It represents a new beginning, maybe you have an opportunity to academically advance.

Luck: Nine of Wands encourages you to keep being persistent in order to receive your wants and desires.

Social life: Page of Cups illustrates a feeling of confidence that the people around you will sense, as well as bringing happiness and contentment on already existing relationships.


Sagittarius: (November 22-December 21)

School: King of Pentacles is one of the most influential cards in the deck. It brings out strength and abundance in individuals as it is represented by a powerful wise man holding a coin. In terms of school, this may mean that you have a powerful hold on your grades.

Luck: Temperance brings out balance and harmony in your life. It’s also associated with Sagittarius, which gives you the ability to adapt to any unpleasant situations.

Social life: Page of cups brings out feelings of confidence. So in case you have had low self esteem in the past, this is the time for you to feel free of all negative thoughts. While I know that’s easier said than done, this reading says that the universe is with you on this journey trying to help you out and if you trust in that, it’s going to bring you a great sense of contentment.


Capricorn: (December 21-January 20)

School: Ace of Swords is a reminder to stop stressing too much about poor results in your academic career as your effort will finally show.

Luck: The King of Swords is depicted in a serious fashion, with slightly squinted eyes and a confident posture, staring down at you. He is the one who brings justice into your life, which implies that wholesome occurrences will happen as long as you keep a positive attitude towards life.

Social life: Contrary to many people's beliefs, The Lovers is not necessarily talking about romantic love. It can talk about deepening your relationship with your soulmate, which could also be platonic. It could also talk about having to choose between two people, two situations, or a person and a situation. This might be a tricky time.


Aquarius: (January 21-February 18)

School: Ace of Swords is here to tell you that in case you had any unclarity in the past about your academic abilities, this season is about figuring it out. While the future is unknown, which makes it always uncertain, there are certain initiatives you can take in order to assure that you will have a stable tomorrow. In this case, it talks about working hard to get the results you deserve.

Luck: In terms of luck, The Empress is known for her generous gifts of abundance, luxury, and satisfaction.

Social life: The Hierophant embodies Taurus energy, which brings out practicality and sustainability. This might indicate that you have a pretty stable circle of relationships.


Pisces: (February 19-March 20)

School: Page of Pentacles shows a person staring down with intensity at a coin. It looks like you are putting in all the efforts into making final attempts to improve your grades.

Luck: The King of Cups, depicted as Poseidon. He is carefree, yet powerful. These attributes show balance and kindness, which leads me to believe that you will notice how things work out in your favor without exerting any effort during this season.

Social life: Nine of Pentacles talks about how the seeds you planted in the past are well past the stage of development. They are fully grown into your intentions. All you need to do now is enjoy your reward. To be more specific, you might’ve watered certain relationships in the past in hopes of growing closer to them, and it’s finally working out in your favor. ▪


Fun Forms

by @ChastityHu

Every month, the SOF newspaper will have a fun form for you to fill out! Answer random questions to help you fill your time, and check out the results in the next edition. Is pineapple really good on pizza? What notebook color is the best for math? What do you want to see more of in the paper? Without further a due... below is the first fun form! Don't be shy, put some more! ▪


Thank you so much for reading!

Featured in the Next Edition:

  1. Vaccines impact on age group 5-11

  2. School crossword challenge

  3. Fashion column (Fall Fashion)

  4. Second edition fun form

  5. Time Travelers Advice

Final Notes

by @AdaMedvedz

Hey, welcome to the inaugural issue of the SOF newspaper! We're so excited to interact with our SOF community. And from the student government to student submissions, oh boy we've covered it all. What a wild rodeo this was. We pushed back the publishing date, what, four times now? Other school newspapers made it look way too easy. And now I get to act snarky because I get the last word. But in the end, I think the first SOF newspaper was a huge success!

Harper, man, you did great. Now you can go home and brag about making the front page. And of course, a big thanks to our beloved Mr. Bro for the interview. I'm sure we'd all pay to see you shave your head.

I have to say, the COVID column's casual vaccine propaganda definitely adds a bit of spice to the paper. And of course, a loving hurrah to the SOF community. A special thanks to Aaron. Also, wonderful job on the newspaper's website. Stay safe and get vaccinated, kids.

Solana, Solana. The fashion page is *chef's kiss* perfect. A wonderful start to the only column with more then two photos in it. To all the people featured in the fashion column photos, you looked great this spooky season.

Mr. Time Traveler. A perfect intro to the advice (let's be honest here: gossip) column. We can't wait to read all of the student submissions and give some un-professional advice. Also. Who the hell are you?

People. Did you see the Tarotscope? Andra looked at me with an x-ray, I swear. Maybe I am giving major Taurus vibes. Beautifully done. Artfully crafted. And a fun read for everyone at SOF. Thank you.

Last and never least, Chastity. You can't deny it, we're all curious about this fun form. I can't wait to see what people think of pineapple on pizza. I may have a few suggestions for the next form though. Is a tomato really a fruit? Can the immortal snail and I be friends? Are mullets cool or not? And will any of my questions ever make it on the fun form?

Again, a big welcome to the SOF community. And a big thanks to the SOF news team. Onward to the next issue.

That's a wrap, folks.

452 views2 comments


Nov 08, 2021

is this high school only or

Aaron Mandelbaum
Aaron Mandelbaum
Nov 08, 2021
Replying to

The paper is for everyone to read but the actual club is only for high school at the moment

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