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All Knowing Bulldog

Anonymous Advice

Dear All-Knowing-Bulldog of SOF, Aid Me With Your Brutally Honest Advice


“My friend and I have the same crush, and they’ve been very touchy and weird lately. I'm pretty sure that they are secretly dating, but I’m not sure, I’m super jealous and upset and betrayed. I heard them mentioning hangout on Thursday, should I spy on them?”- anonymous


Literally no. Spying on them is extremely weird. I’m sorry that your friend is lowkey betraying you. A few questions: Does your friend know that you have the same crush? If they do, there is a possibility that you can have a mature conversation with them about your feelings. If they don’t know, this cannot possibly be their fault at all. But if you want to be the bigger person in this situation, be happy for your friend and move on, or just find new friends that don’t have the same crush as you and go for it!


“me and my best friend like the same person (we all go to sof) and he asked me out like a week ago and i said yes so we’re secretly dating and i don’t want them to know because it would break their heart af. I hope they’re not mad :(“


Funny because this sounds like the opposite side of the first submission. It looks like we have a little scandal on our hands. If this is you, Friend 2, Friend 1 does know about your little secret and they are mad! So it sounds like you did know that your friend likes the same person as you… You didn’t hear it from me but it sounds like they are planning on spying on you Thursday. Tell them about you secretly dating your mutual crush beforehand and save them the embarrassment of being caught spying on you and you can also save yourself from having to possibly confront them about it when it happens.


“How can I get a good girlfriend? Or friends in general?”- anonymous


I would tell you to just be yourself, but some people’s selves are not ones that attract others! Sorry, just a fact of life. However, there are people in the world that must have the same personality type/ interests as you, so chances are in your life you will find someone. Or as an adult may say, “There is a lid for every pot,” but some people never find love in their life, so that's 100% not true either.


“Welllll it’s hard to talk about, my friend is getting really close with my boyfriend and I don’t want to confront them bc I don’t want to seem jealous. Help? ;)”- anonymous


Confront them!! Bad friend alert! Essentially you don't want to seem jealous but you are and have every right to be. First of all, have a discussion with your boyfriend, set some boundaries please. Next, have a little conversation with your “friend” about this situation and maybe that will shed some light on the situation. Remember and please keep in mind, there is a whole possibility that you are controlling and are making this situation up in your head because you truly are a jealous person and don't want your boyfriend to have other friends… Don’t jump to conclusions.


“My boyfriend is cheating on me with my best friend and I have proof!!!!!! Should I confront them or let it keep going because confrontation is awkward…”- anonymous


This confrontation is definitely going to be less awkward than the conversation that you and your boyfriend are going to have when you get dumped… This is like a little game of tag, break up with your boyfriend to save your dignity before he can break up with you and make you look like a fool first!

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